Mission Statement 🦉

Everyone is welcome at this club, and no one will ever be

refused a game for not having a partner, or being able to

pay the admission. The only requirement to play at the

Bridge Connection is the propensity to be kind and 

engage in great sportsmanship.

Money Matters... paycards & fees at the Bridge Connection 🔔

Our mission is to keep bridge events affordable so that anyone who wishes to can participate...

- Organized courses and workshops tend to cost between $15-$20 per session.

- Regular weekly games and practice (learning) sessions will usually cost $10 per session.

- Special games and team games may range from $12 to $15 per session.


SUPER popular is our $100 paycard.... this enables you to attend:

- 11 games or practice sessions

- for the price of 10!

- good for regular weekly $10 events.

*The paycards are intended to be used only by the player whose name is on the card (exceptions may be honoured in special circumstances), and the paycards will never expire. If a player stops playing bridge before a card is used up, a transfer to a new owner is conceivable.*


what is a 'club championship?' 🏆

When a game is designated a 'club championship', the club is enabled (by the ACBL) to make the masterpoint awards higher than normal. The club is permitted to assign one CC per weekly game in a 3 month quarter.  

Don't be daunted... if you are not an ACBL member, this does not interfere with your normal routine of bridge days, but is an incentive for ACBL members to compete for extra points at no extra cost. ALL FOR FUN!

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Players are encouraged to join us with or without a partner!

- courses, workshops & practice sessions, you needn't worry - just show up (about 20 minutes before starting time) and we'll get you set up with the best fit possible for you;

- for PAIRS type games - you will never be sent home unless the game is so small we can't run it - in that RARE circumstance, we will all go home, but you'll be sent with a free play for another game;

- TEAM GAMES - this is the only kind of game that requires partnerships to be sorted out in advance. We do not mind helping you you find teammates (as a team is 4 players, not just 2), but we need your good COMMUNICATION, COOPERATION, and a solid COMMITMENT from you in order to handle the process seamlessly.

Communication, Cooperation & Commitment... the 3 C's 🏆

🎼 bridgemate blues 🎶

Bridgemates are an amazing technological advancement that enable bridgeclubs (which use them) super fast scoring, so that the players know even before the director by the end of the game who won!


Players like bridgemates cuz they're super easy to use, and feel somewhat empowering. 


They do present a couple of problems however, which can be resolved by the players at the table.


A - the scores are only as accurate as the players entering the data. North does the data entry, which includes the contract, the direction of the player declaring the hand, and then the eventual outcome. After entering the final outcome, north hands the machine to an opponent (east or west) who verifies if the data entry is accurate. This is the critical moment - East or West, please check to make sure the information is as it should be, before hitting OK. If scores are incorrectly submitted this affects the final outcome of the game (needless to say.)


B - bridgemate data entry is not a priority at the beginning of a bridge deal. Its chief importance is at the end of the hand, when all data can be entered in one swoop. Norths like to enter the contract at the beginning, which is fine, but not at the expense of slowing down an auction, making an opening lead etc. Often times tables that are slow and possibly losing an entire hand, it's a result of delay caused by bridgemate obsession.



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